14 Tips To Prepare Your Home For Selling
Ready to upgrade to a bigger house? Here are some tips to prepare
your home for selling.
your current HDB flat to a bigger home is a huge decision that a family makes.
As the family expands, naturally you will need a bigger home to cater to
everyone’s needs. Most people without a big budget will normally sell their 3
or 4 bedroom HDB flat in order to buy a 5 bedrooms resale HDB flat or you can
consider condominiums in Bukit Batok if you have the budget. In order
to sell your home, you will need to do some preparations. This article will
guide your through some tips to prepare your home for selling.
1. Clean
Your House
I cannot stress this enough as this is the
most basic rule: cleanliness. Many people overlook the basic rule of keeping their house in a clean
condition. This includes both the inside and the outside. Clear the garbage,
sweep and mop the floor, clear the mess, make sure the pathway is clear of
unwanted objects. Keep your unit clean, tidy and clear of obstruction.
2. Odorless
Make sure your house is free from any unwanted or unpleasant
smell. Avoid cooking something suwith strong scent that will linger around your
house, such as bacon or fried chicken. You definitely do not want to have your
home smelling like fast food chain or hawker center.
3. Clear The Clutter
You definitely do not want the buyers to focus on the mess and
clutters you have at home. Not only it looks messy, it also decreases the
likelihood of people buying your house. Keep the pathway clear from any
clutter. Make sure you dispose the garbage in a proper way.
4. Repaint
the right paint, the right color makes a huge difference.
Using the right paint can instantaneously revive and brighten your initially
dull looking unit. Hence, choose a color that will brighten up your unit or a
color that adds a touch of liveliness for your unit. Nobody wants to come back
to a place where it further brings down the already-tired-from-work mood. Make
sure to use only good quality paint as well to protect your home and will
certainly last you a few years. If you are unsure of which color to choose, you
can always ask for advices from the stores, as most stores offer a wide variety
of colors for you to choose from and they will be able to advise you on the
matching of the color that suits your house theme.
5. Keep Decoration Simple
Avoid having exaggerated furniture or painting. You want the
buyers to feel like home when they visit. You may keep the classic artwork or
painting but you might want to ditch anything exaggerated or improper from your
home. Keep the decoration at home simple.
6. Remove Personal Items
Remove anything personal from the house, such as photo album or
family photos from your table or refrigerator. This is to allow the buyers to
envision themselves being the homeowner.
7. Natural Sunlight
Let the natural sunlight comes in by opening the window. Brighten
up your space. This will also enhance your house decoration and bring out the
best out of it. In addition, natural sunlight will make your space appear
bigger than it is.
8. Keep Potted Plants Indoor
You can also have a pot or two potted plants to bring energy in
your house. Just small-potted plants will do and you can place them at the
corner of your house. Just make sure that the plants are free from bugs.
9. Remove Bulky Furniture
If your space is small, you will need to consider removing big and
bulky furniture, as bulky furniture tends to make the space appear smaller.
10. Organize The Closets
Use storage box and dividers to keep your things organized. Remove
unwanted things and organize your closet. This will allow the buyers to think
you have sufficient storage at home.
11. Fixture and fittings
Kitchen and bathroom fixtures such as
faucets, sinks, door knobs can get old quickly or even outdated. Consider
changing fixtures that have been around for more than 5 years. Take the design
and quality into account as well when you are changing them. The positioning of
fixtures and fittings play a major role in boosting up your house value as
well. Nothing annoys the people more than having a fixture placed at a very odd
and inconvenience location, for example, toilet paper holders located at an
unreachable location.
12. Turn Bathroom Into Spa
You may also turn your bathroom into a spa. Moreover, it costs
not more than $30 to create a relaxing and luxurious bath. You can buy scented
candles, bathmats, and towels from Ikea at affordable prices. Remember to buy
coordinating colors that match the theme of the bathroom.
13. Comfortable Living Room
People spend most of their time relaxing in the living room after
a long day of work. Therefore, you could beautify your living area to make the
buyers feel at ease whenever they are at the living room. Help the buyers to
picture themselves enjoying and relaxing themselves at the living room.
Rearrange the position of your furniture if you need to.
14. Make Something Nice
If you have the time, you could even bake some treats for your
potential buyers. A simple brownies or cookies is enough to make the buyers
feel welcome. If you are not a baker, you could buy some snacks from the bakery
or supermarket.
In conclusion, these are some tips that
you could follow to prepare your home for selling. Most importantly, they are
definitely affordable and do not require major renovations that would break
your bank account. You will be blown away on how much of a huge difference it
can make if you follow all these tips. There are also many articles out on how
you can prepare
your house for selling.
14 Tips To Prepare Your Home For Selling
Reviewed by Ana Suhana
July 31, 2018

Good tips Ana...
ReplyDeletethanks sharing
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih tips yang dikongsi kak Ana...kadang hal kecil tapi bagi pembeli ianya hal besar dan sensitif..sebab setiap sen yang dikeluarkan besar nilai pada apa yang ingin bakal tuan rumah miliki.
ReplyDeleteGood sharing Ana, Kak Sue suka part keep potted plants indoor tu.. tengah nak usahakan nie kat rumah Kak Sue.. ehehe..
ReplyDeleteNice info
ReplyDeleteTips yang baik untuk mereka yang ingin menjual rumah. Selalunya baca owner rumah selekeh. Bolehlah ikut tips yang dikongsi ni.
ReplyDeleteVery good tips ana. Mana mmg suka kalau Ada elements pokok hidup Dan ikan Dalam rumah
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih, sedikit sebanyak bagi ilmu kepada saya yang tak tahu ni
ReplyDeleteBagus tips ni...nak jual rumah pun kena betul2 kan. Baru lah mudah terjual nt
ReplyDeletenice info sis
ReplyDeletePerkongsia yang bermanfaat.. Nice Ana..
ReplyDeleteGood tips but I harap tak pindah pindah lagi.. penat banyak.tenaga nak digunakan..
ReplyDeleteBanayk kerja nak di buat kalau nak pindah kan ana
ReplyDeleteBila dah ada rumah sendiri ni, rasa tak sampai hati nak jual. Tapi disebabkan rumah sekarang ni management issue nya banyak betul, terasa jugak nak cari rumah baru dan jual je rumah yang duduk sekarang ni
ReplyDeleteGood tips ana..kak fiezz kena alert beberapa tips kat atas ni sebab dalam proses nak jual rumah cadangnya tapi lupa basic tips yg ada mention kat sini..bila baca entry ni, 'eh..tak buat la yang ni'..aiseh...
ReplyDeletewah too much list. sedangkan menyewa pun banyak benda nak settle, ni kan lagi nak jual rumah. apapun thanks kak ana for the tips. it's really good for my future reference. buat masa sekarang belum lagi rasa nak jual sebab investment kan.
ReplyDeleteIndeed before we sell our house make sure it clean for second owner to own it..br lah org senang hati nak beli kan?
ReplyDeleteTips yang bagus. Double cek pun penting. Setiap keputusan kena fikir dua tiga kali. lepas tu nak jual rumah jangan menipu pembeli. Kalau ada fasiliti tak da di kawasan tersebut jangan ikut dalam senarai pemaju plak. mcm rumah sedara ruby. cakap ada swimming pool, gimnasium. Tapi nan hado. Masa nak melawat kawasan, cakap takda akses kad la apa la bla bla. Then jual harga pasaran kemain kebabom mahal. Nasib baik peguam uruskan. So pentingnya peguam dalam meguruskan dokumen black and white bertulis dan sign. Hehehe
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih atas tips-tips tersebut , yang bakal dalam proses nak menjual rumah , boleh baca tips2 ni kan . Nak jual rumah mestilah dalam keadaan bersih sedap mata memandang, kebersihan pun terjamin barulah pembeli pun berminat
ReplyDeleteit's not so easy to sell a house.. - jmr23.com
ReplyDeleteTadi terbaca kar blog Ruby tips untuk membeli rumah bagi orang yang baru nak beli rumah apa perlu mereka rancang kat sini pula tips sebelum menjual rumah hehehehe kalau di satukan bagus juga ni...
ReplyDeleteBagus info ni... tips ini memangs angat penting dan memeang semua owner rumah kena ambil tahu
ReplyDeleteTips yang bagus. Ada tak tips memiliki rumah baru! Ika ingat nak beli rumah!
ReplyDeleteGood tips. Thanks for sharing. Dalam cadangan nak upgrade rumah jugak ni. Tapi sayang dengan rumah yang ada sekarang 😊
ReplyDeleteThank you for the tips. Hope everyone can buy a good home in future
ReplyDeleteIs not easy to buy a house and it also not easy to sell a house. maintain a good condition of the house is important before selling so the buyer will not push down the price. good tips.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ana for the tips. Certainly will come in handy - if I have a home. Haha.
ReplyDeleteNak jual rumah... rumah pun masih menyewa lagi.. dok tgu bila la owner rumah nie nk jual rumah
ReplyDeletetq for sharing kak ana. sngt brguna untuk smua.